Our Partners
Find out about our partner charities and organisations
Windmill Community Gardens
We have worked closely with Windmill Community Gardens since the inception of Growing Forward in 2019. We are delighted to continue our links with the wonderful staff, volunteers and beautiful site as we deliver our service from The Gardens in a dedicated space for our social and therapeutic horticulture sessions.
Windmill Community Gardens provides the opportunity for anyone to find out more about growing food in a changing climate. They also welcome schools, clubs and interest groups for bespoke activities and education sessions as well as running events and workshops.

Nottingham Community and Voluntary Service
Nottingham Community and Voluntary Service aims to improve the quality of people’s lives in Nottingham by strengthening the voluntary and community sector.
We have worked with NCVS for a number of years, participating in consultation and other development activities.

GreenSpace is a scheme managed by Nottingham Community and Voluntary Service and works with a range of partners to connect people to nature-based activities, to support and improve their mental health.
We have worked with GreenSpace since its inception, participating in consultation and development of the project. We have also received funding from GreenSpace.

Nottingham Bikeworks
Nottingham Bikeworks is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company. They are based in several locations around Nottingham city and focus on recycling bikes, knowledge sharing and community support.
We have built a long-standing partnership with Bikeworks to provide bikes to Growing Forward participants, facilitating independence and an affordable, sustainable way to travel.

Sustrans is a national charity focussed on making it easier for people to walk, wheel and cycle. They work towards supporting cleaner air, lower traffic cities, exploring the outdoors and connecting communities.
Sustrans worked alongside Growing Forward and Bikeworks to support provision of bikes and cycling safety training to our participants.

The NHS is strong referral pathway for Growing Forward, via local Social Prescribing Link Workers in Nottingham.
We invite Social Prescribing Link Workers to visit us to see the Growing Forward garden and find out more about what we do. Please get in touch if you would like to book a visit.

Emmanuel House Support Centre
Emmanuel House Support Centre is an independent charity in Nottingham providing support for homeless and vulnerable people.
From April 2022 we are working alongside Emmanuel House to deliver group and one-to-one social and therapeutic horticulture sessions at their allotment site in St Ann’s in Nottingham. These sessions are for people with support needs who may have experienced issues relating to housing, including actual or potential experiences of homelessness. The aim of this is to support improved mental health, build confidence, break down social isolation, build skills and rekindle new or lost interests.

Refugee Roots
Refugee Roots is a Nottingham based charity that helps asylum seekers and refugees build relationships and navigate the complexities of building a new life in the UK.
We delivered small group seasonal garden activities at the Growing Forward garden in partnership with Refugee Roots through 2022 and 2023.