We have recently partnered with Trust Links, a charity for mental health and wellbeing based in South East Essex. Trust Links have been delivering their therapeutic gardening programme ‘Growing Together’ for 21 years and now they are supporting other projects all over the country.

Trst Links Westcliff garden path with a gate and polytunnel in the background
Trust Links REACH wellbeing hub
Wooden hut plants shop at Trsut Links Westcliff

We had the opportunity to visit Trust Links this month, to see their wonderful gardens and meet staff and members to talk about how they use gardening activities to improve wellbeing. It was great to hear first hand from members how going to the gardens helps them feel less stressed and helps them manage everyday life.

The Trust Links Rochford garden social seating area surrounded by plants and trees
Accessible pathways and flower beds at Trust Links Rochford garden
Shelving and barrows containing plants and produce for sale
Raised beds and plant shop at the Trust Links Rochford garden
Wooden greenhouse with gardening equipment inside
Wildflower lawn with path mowed through and raised beds in the bachground

Seeing two of the Growing Together gardens filled us with ideas and inspiration, from the accessible paths and raised beds to the wildlife-friendly planting, plant shops managed by members and the fantastic communal areas for eating and talking together.

The Trust Links Rochford garden with raised veg beds in the foreground and a greenhouse in the background

We will continue to collaborate with Trust Links into the future and hope they’ll come to visit us in Nottingham too. We’ll keep you updated with more of the work we do with them.